Pilates Classes
To find out more information please either phone Mindy Davey on 01905 857521 or 07515723554 or send an email to enquiries@206therapy.co.uk
Classes at the Thomas Telford Building on the
St. John’s Campus of University of Worcester:
Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm – 8.30pm
Classes at Shrawley Village Hall:
Fridays at 9.00am
Pilates (Pi-lart-ees) is a system of exercise that focuses on conditioning your core abdominal and back muscles, so improving overall posture, muscle tone and flexibility. It does this by focusing the mind and body around its eight principles: concentration, centring, breathing, isolation, routine, precision, control and flowing movements.
Pilates was developed in the early nineteen hundreds for use by dancers and athletes. However, thanks to the support of current research, it is now being used not only as an excellent form of non-impact exercise and stability training, but also as a very effective form of rehabilitation for low back pain and sports injuries. Providing therapists with a clinical and user friendly tool for retraining correct activation of the core muscles.
Your class will be taken by Mindy Davey, a qualified Chartered Physiotherapist with over 15 years experience as an instructor. Mindy started her Pilates training by completing levels 1 and 2 of the APPI courses (Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute) and has gone on to enhance her teaching method by becoming a JEMS (Joanne Elphinston Movement Systems) accredited practitioner. For more information visit www.jemsmovement.com
Classes run in blocks which approximately follow the school diary. A one-to-one session may be required prior to joining a class depending on the nature of your situation.